Explore More About Capuchin Monkeys
The Capuchin Monkeys of Curú

Table of Contents
Welcome to the Capuchin Monkeys of Curú. This is a web-based storybook about white-faced capuchin monkeys (Cebus capucinus). The majority of the book is focused on observations made on three troops of white-faced capuchin monkeys at the Curú National Wildlife Refuge, located on the southeastern edge of the Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica. These observations are supplemented with research conducted on this monkey species throughout Costa Rica.
Older children will be able to navigate this site on their own, but younger children will need help from parents and/or teachers. Each chapter introduces the reader to the essential ecology and social life of these monkeys. In each chapter, purple text will lead the reader to information about specific terms., pictures, or videos. These may be examples, definitions, pictures, or videos to expand the reader's understanding of content on the text. At the end of each chapter are links to additional information on the chapter topic. There are activity pages that include coloring pages, puzzles and other hands-on activities.
Over time, new chapters, and accompanying material will be added.

This research was made possible by the financial support from the UC Riverside Dissertation grant, a Humanities Research grant, MIRT, and Eloy Rodriguez. Much support have been given by entities at Rhode Island College including Faculty Research and Development Grants, Earl Simson, Dean of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Earl Simson and Ronald Pitt, Vice President of Academic Affairs.
Many undergaduates and volunteers have assisted me through the years, including Angie Achorn, Mark Burke, Breanna Canning, Amanda Coleman, Eva Dayon, Mia Goyette, Stephanie Izzi, Nicole Kearsch, Diane Konicki, Christine LaChance, Ruby Lazo, Kim Lulasky, Louis Montoya, Taylor Ryan, Anne Wilding, and Julie Zanni. Also assisting were University of California undergraduate students: Leticia Barajas, Ahnthiu Hoang, Chris Vargas, and Xiomara Corpenio. Andrew Sanders, UC Riverside Herbarium Director, joined me for 2 field seasons, I was assisted by volunteers on 3 Earthwatch expedition teams and 9 UREP expedition teams
I want to thank feedback from people who looked at early versions of the book and gave feedback: Tracie McKinney, Amanda Coleman, Barbara Helm Welker, and Eva Dayon. Several people spent the summer of COVID-19 painting online with me, which stimulated a desire to take up this project again after too many years of focusing on other things: Don Goetter, Chris Marco, Maureen Reddy and Anne Marie Reddy.
Each time I settled onto the watercolors or writing chapter sections, I was returned to Curú and the time I spent with the monkeys I am forever grateful for being able to follow such engaging and clever beings from whom I have learned so much. The Schutt family, Doña Julieta, Adelina, Federico, and Luis offered me food, lodging, and friendship. They shared a wealth of information and afternoon coffee.
My husband abandoned the parlor to my stuff and supported my work and my mom was always encouraging.
This eBook is dedicated to Phyllis Schumberger, who was an amazing children's librarian and dear friend.